Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I am a new stay at home mom!! mostly I love it! The biggest reason I'm doing it is because I believe that a mother can do more good at home raising her children than working and that good she is doing is more important and will have a more lasting effect on the world. We are also taught this at church. I have had to wait 5 years after having my first child to take this step but I am so glad I'm taking it now. I did really good for a few weeks and then it got hard. I am innately lazy and want to put everything off until tomorrow and would rather sleep than cook and clean. I know that I have to do my best because not everyone gets this opportunity and I am lucky and am being blessed for trying to follow God's plan and it is up to me to teach the girls the important things in life.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I am a mormon christian

I am a christian and a mormon, the fundimentals of mormonism are that Jesus is the savior. It is not always easy to be a mormon, A lot of people don't understand us or don't know what we believe in, and we are very different than most "main stream" people nowadays. But I do my best because it is true.

See my other blog http://www.theadventuresofmygirls.blogspot.com